Какой тестостерон сдавать общий или свободный мужчине для проверки потенции

Какой тестостерон сдавать общий или свободный мужчине для проверки потенции

Эй ты, да, именно ты, мужчина, которому не безразлична его потенция! Хочешь знать, какой тестостерон сдавать – общий или свободный? Тогда тебе сюда, ведь я, ловелас номер один, знаю все о тестостероне и мужской сексуальности.

В этой статье я расскажу тебе, как правильно проверить свою потенцию и здоровье, чтобы ты мог продолжать оставаться на вершине! Готов погрузиться в мир мужской физиологии и сексуальности? Тогда вперед – читай до конца!






















































Какой тестостерон сдавать общий или свободный мужчине для проверки потенции.

Какой тестостерон сдавать общий или свободный мужчине для проверки потенции

Testosterone is an important hormone for men. It is responsible for the development of male characteristics such as muscle mass, bone density, and sex drive. However, as men age, their testosterone levels can decrease, which can lead to a decreased sex drive and even erectile dysfunction. If you are a man who is experiencing these symptoms, it may be time to get your testosterone levels checked. But which testosterone test should you take – total or free?

Total testosterone

Total testosterone is a test that measures the total amount of testosterone in your blood. This includes both bound and unbound testosterone. Bound testosterone is attached to a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), while unbound testosterone is free and available for use by the body.

Free testosterone

Free testosterone, on the other hand, measures the amount of unbound testosterone in your blood. This is the testosterone that is available for use by the body. Since it is not bound to SHBG, it can easily enter cells and is more active than bound testosterone.

Which one to choose?

When it comes to checking your testosterone levels for potential erectile dysfunction or decreased sex drive- Какой тестостерон сдавать общий или свободный мужчине для проверки потенции- ОГРОМНЫЙ СПРОС, the most important test to take is free testosterone. This is because it measures the testosterone that is actually available for use by the body. Total testosterone can be influenced by other factors such as SHBG levels, which can vary from person to person.

How to test

Free testosterone is typically tested through a blood test. You may be asked to fast for a certain amount of time before the test to ensure accurate results. Your doctor will take a sample of your blood and send it to a laboratory for analysis. The results will come back in a few days.


If you are a man experiencing symptoms of decreased sex drive or erectile dysfunction, it may be time to get your testosterone levels checked. While total testosterone can be useful in certain situations- Какой тестостерон сдавать общий или свободный мужчине для проверки потенции- РЕВОЛЮЦИОННЫЙ, free testosterone is the most important test to take when checking for potential issues. Talk to your doctor about getting tested to see if low testosterone levels may be the cause of your symptoms.



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